Our Mission and Methodology
Use the following link to confirm our 501 (c) (3) PUBLIC CHARITABLE status directly from the IRS master list:
Note the last IRS update was Dec 9, 2019 and they will have an updated list first of March. Click here to review GEA 501 acceptance letter from the IRS.

GEA provides innovative remediation/cleanup that protects, preserves, and revitalizes our environment to a sustainable state.
We are passionately engaged in disseminating education, data, recommended products, and innovative solutions that best clean up hydrocarbon pollution in our environment resulting in a more sustainable ECO-friendly approach.
We began our venture into better environment clean-up efforts with a product called De-Oil-It, now an exclusive private label of EcoSpersa, that is used for hydrocarbon remediation and general-purpose cleanup. This product is a ready-to-use (or industrial concentrate) non-toxic/non-hazardous liquid that when applied to hydrocarbon contamination (fuel, oil, grease) degrades the contamination with the result of a radically simplified hydrocarbon molecular structure that is non-toxic, safe for the environment. The benefit of this degrading process is that it enables naturally occurring bacteria to complete the breakdown process (“degrading”) resulting in a safer and more sustainable ecosystem.
Our non-profit alliance, GEA, educates and disseminates proven methods, products, and data that achieve better environmental conservation, protection, and sustainability.
We are leading the way to improve large-scale oil and fuel spill remediation efforts that have proven to take on average 2-3 weeks versus a typical 3 months land clean-up. New and current efforts are tackling the separation of oil from water; the EPA is monitoring both land and water projects with the result of an in-progress submission of ecoSpersa for the National Contingency Plan (NCP) which guides first responders and EPA to select appropriate products for reportable oil and fuel remediation. Our efforts include large-scale remediation, cleaning, and smaller applications such as cleaning your boat deck and bilge or cleaning fuel runoff at boat fueling stations. These efforts to provide a retail outlet for smaller cleanup processes have been advanced through one of our first sponsors the Tampa Bay Yacht Masters group under their Environmental Protection Program; they provide environmentally safe boat maintenance products and are under contract to sell De-Oil-It the exclusive private label of ecoSpersa; De-Oil-It degrades hydrocarbon substances (oil, fuel, and more) by breaking down complex hydrocarbon chains to simpler and non-toxic smaller molecular structures that natural occurring bacteria can complete the break down process – safer for our environment and extremely efficient. We have had one grant that has proven this degrading process (i.e. breaking down large complex hydrocarbon chains to simpler non-toxic molecular structures)
Some of the products that are dedicated to environmentally safe boat maintenance include
FUEL MEDIC that treats fuel systems to provide optimal performance thereby improving fuel usage,reducing maintenance costs, and creating less hydrocarbon pollution
INOX is a product line with a wide range of lubricants that is resourceful for boat maintenance because they are in food grade in some applications, are applied to reduce algae, barnacles, and other annoying bow thruster clogging these small props. Inox also provides battery conditioners that has been highlighted in the Ship Shape show series by John Greviskis
DE-OIL-IT is the product line we frequently refer to as the initial star of the show. This is the product you want for safe environmental cleaning of your boat bilge, dock surfaces, and marina fuel system platforms.
As environmental regulations tighten down on products and cleaning or dealing with fuel and oil leaks from our recreational and commercial boats, it makes sense to make use of our leading products plus innovative ways of improved environmentally safer cleaning.
If you are interested in learning what information we offer regarding how you can take control of managing your boat maintenance in an environmentally friendly and safe way, then donate to our cause today!